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ACCP Librarian LibGuide

LibGuide to help local schools get access to library resources.

What You Will Need to Do Prepare for the Visit


  • Work with IT and admissions to ensure that  students have Banner ID to create an SSO account to access library materials and other things in the portal.

  • Coordinate activities with those involved 

  • Library needs to set up a time and secure a location for instruction. 

  • Admissions needs to set up a campus tour.

  • Assign one RU person as the “guide” for the day 

  • RU faculty for potential mini-lectures or to attend a class 

  • Reserve room for presentations (do not trust Ad Astra…verify with faculty who are typically in that room if using a classroom that appears scheduled or unscheduled for 8 wk sessions – we can book the 1st floor or basement of the library as backup) 

  • Make sure Admissions tells tour leaders ahead of time who the contact person is for the tours so they know who to look for at the starting point for the tour


  • Notify Security (currently Officer Patterson) 1 month prior and remind 1 week prior regarding arrival of group and ask about parking arrangements 

  • Request officer meet the bus (staff member should as well); likely need to call that morning 

  • Doublecheck parking arrangement for any parents who drive so they do not get parking tickets.

Food Service

  • Notify Food Service 2-3 weeks ahead of upcoming HS visit  

  • date/time/approx. number to be served 

  • discuss time of entry (preferably 11-11:15 or after 12:45 to avoid the RU student rush) 

  • discuss options of eating at TMDR or having pizza served in a room 

  • remind the week before 

  • accompany them to the TMDR to ensure smooth processing

  • Send draft and final written itinerary to all involved including cell numbers of the HS teachers & RU contacts 

  • Each HS teacher (do not expect teachers to communicate with one another about any of the events) 

  • RU faculty/staff, Security, and Geoff Smith (or the person in his place answering the switchboard) 

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 Rockhurst University Library · 1100 Rockhurst Road · Kansas City, MO 64110 · 816-501-4142