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Rockhurst Archives - Jesuit History (A.1.6.0)
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Rockhurst Archives - Jesuit History (A.1.6.0)
Collection Inventory
Jesuit Photos, 1889-2002
Province & Roman Reports
Jesuit Educational Workshop
Findings and Implications of a National Survey of Knowledge and Opinion of Key Groups Regarding Jesuit Higher Education in the U.S.
Jesuits - Yearbook of the Society of Jesus
Jesuit Sanctuary Guild
Community Expenditures
Jesuit Magazines
Five Colleges and Universities of the Missouri-Wisconsin Province of the Society of Jesus
Box 1
Folder 1/11 -
Jesuit Faculty Photo, 1921-1924
Folder 2/11 -
Letters of Very Rev. A.J. Burrows, S.J. (Provincial of Mo Prov.), 1917-1918
Folder 3/11 -
Rectors' Meetings, 1920-1934
Folder 4/11 -
Relics: Authentications, 1926-1929
Folder 5/11 -
Father M.J. O'Connor, S.J., Father M.A. Leary, S.J. - Correspondence, 1929
Folder 6/11 -
Sacred Heart: Letters from Fr. General & Fr. Provincia, 1917-1918
Folder 7/11 -
Renovation: Chapters, 1927-1945
Folder 8/11 -
Renovation: Reading (1), 1921-1945
Folder 9/11 -
Renovation: Reading (2), 1917-1918
Folder 10/11 -
Community: Table Reading, 1934
Folder 11/11 -
Diocesan Faculties, 1926-1956
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