Jesuit Educational Workshop, 1952-1969
Date [inclusive]: 1952-1969
- Patterns in the Teaching of Philosophy and Theology in American box 3 folder 12/12
Colleges and Universities, 1952-1957
Date [inclusive]: 1952-1957
- The Role of Philosophy & Theology in American Jesuit Colleges box 3 folder 11/12
& Universities, 1962
Date: 1962
- Jesuit Student Personnel Programs and Services, 1965 box 4 folder 5/5
Date: 1965
- Jesuit Universities and Colleges: Their Commitment in a World box 5 folder 5/7
of Change - Consensus Statements, Recommendations, and
Committee Reports, 1969
Date: 1969
- Jesuit Universities and Colleges: Their Commitment ina World of box 5 folder 6/7
Change - Proceedings of the J.E.A. Denver Workshop, 1969
Date: 1969
- Jesuit Universities and Colleges: Their Commitment in a World box 5 folder 7/7
of Change - The Integration of the Sacred and the Seculoar:
Theology and Contemporary Research, 1969
Date: 1969