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Greenlease Library Strategic Plan & Assessment

Information on the Greenlease Library strategic planning and assessment, 2022 - 2025.

Greenlease Library Vision & Mission Statements

Vision Statement - Connecting Rockhurst companions and community to each other and the world to build engaged citizenry, leaders, scholars, and communities who create a more just and equitable world.  


Mission Statement - Greenlease Library is an essential and adaptable component of Rockhurst University, strengthening the University’s learning, teaching, research, and service goals by:

  • providing welcoming and flexible spaces in support of study, collaboration, and community building,
  • partnering with communities to enhance services and connections as a user-centered library,
  • teaching information fluency, critical evaluation, and research skills,​
  • creating and maintaining robust, diverse, accessible collections and services to support curricula and research,
  • modeling principles of social justice quintessential to Rockhurst’s Jesuit, Catholic mission and core values within library philosophy and services.

Strategic Plan Goals (2022-2025)

  • Improve library spaces to better support student learning and library services.
  • Enhance library collections to fully align with learning, teaching, and research needs of students, faculty/staff, and community.
  • Implement a user-centered philosophy within Greenlease to provide exemplary services that help companions achieve their academic and scholarly potential.
  • Increase student information fluency, critical evaluation, and research skills to be fully engaged students, professionals, and citizens.
  • Create diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives integral to library philosophy, services, and spaces that support our diverse communities.
  • Strengthen collaborative efforts to maximize resources and increase library commitment and accountability to the University.
  • Improve library best practices to provide optimal services supporting Rockhurst's commitment to excellence (Magis).

Space Outcome & Goals

Improve library spaces to better support student learning and library services:

  • Photo diary of space usage. 
  • Reading room for archival research. 
  • Increase promotion of the library desk as a major service point, particularly for research support.
  • Perform a building usage observation study that includes the length of time patrons use the building. 

Completed Space Goals

  • Work with marketing on better color schemes and map to the building. 
  • Survey of staff equipment needs to develop a replacement rotation. 
  • Address 2nd floor ADA compliance issues. 
  • Get fiber optics into the library to improve Internet quality. 
  • Add color and new artwork to the building. 
  • Create a new headcount system to measure library usage. 
  • Move furniture into spaces vacated by shelves coming down. 
  • Host at least two events at our library with two different groups on campus.
  • Offer outdoor chalk art and other events.
  • Study various feasibility options for food and beverages. 
  • Install better staff desk that's inviting and friendly. 
  • Update M1 Computer Lab Space. 
  • Adjust headcount sheet accounting for new spaces and times. 
  • Improve ground floor and stairwell flow. 
  • Add fiber optics to the top floor of the library. 
  • More comfortable, multifunctional furniture on main floor.

Collections Outcome & Goals

Enhance library collections to fully align with learning, teaching, and research needs of students, faculty/staff, and community:

  • Identify top digitization opportunities within the Greenlease collections. 
  • Identify digitization best practices, equipment, and formal needs. 
  • Begin cataloging our archives (we have this functionality in Sierra). - Is this applicable with FOLIO?

Completed Collection Goals

  • Chart curriculum and changes for proactive collection development. Programmatic accreditation as well. Fuse curriculum knowledge with usage data to make informed decisions on resources. 
  • Consult with faculty on topic specific collection items. 
  • Find departmental style preferences - eBook/Print. 
  • Sync annual renewals to begin at start of FY but after we've been given the budget. 
  • Explore new resource models. 
  • Prepare aspirational budget. 
  • Regular review cycle for E.R.M., incorporating formats, CPUs, cost increases & purchase options, ILL costs. 
  • Clean up catalog records to prepare for Integrated Library System (ILS) migration. 
  • Annual review/deselection plan/process. 

Services Outcome & Goals

Implement a user-centered philosophy within Greenlease to provide exemplary services that help companions achieve their academic and scholarly potential:

  • Get new laptops for students, perhaps a laptop lending machine. - Parking Lot for Next Strategic Plan?
  • Analyze and compare fill rates of interlibrary loan borrowing and determine how automation is supporting patron needs.

Completed Service Goals

  • Get training on the new Integrated Library System (ILS) to provide excellent service to the patrons of Greenlease Library.
  • Student study of study room usage.
  • Create assessment measures for TIPASA. 
  • Get new desktop computers on the 1st floor to improve printing options. 
  • Create an implementation schedule for the TIPASA interlibrary loan system. 
  • Use savings from automation to purchase new Springshare products which aid library assessment and other services. 
  • Compare the number of technology questions relating to printing services since the arrival of the new desktop computers. 
  • Promote high-quality online services including research consultations and online instruction/tutorials.
  • Provide and promote marketing materials via the library desk, social media, and instructional sessions regarding the new ILS. - Complete???

Information Fluency Outcome & Goals

Increase student information fluency, critical evaluation, and research skills to be fully engaged students, professionals, and citizens:

  • Build partnerships with E-Learning and Center for Teaching and Learning (CETL) regarding library Canvas support. 
  • Create and share Canvas tutorials with faculty to help promote library services. Analyze the usage of these resources.

Completed Information Fluency Goals

  • Share instructional design information for information literacy team (lesson plans, rubrics, worksheets, etc.) 
  • Increase professional development on instructional design for librarians. 
  • Interview faculty across academic programs on their instructional and research needs. 
  • Market instruction and consultation sessions. 
  • Continue developing course materials for Manresa initiative at RU. 
  • Develop student assessment of information fluency. 
  • Prepare and present workshops to students and faculty regarding Zotero. - Complete????
  • Promote faculty consultations. - Complete Via Newsletter?

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Outcome & Goals

Create diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives integral to library philosophy, services, and spaces that support our diverse communities:

  • Do a service point study that accounts for research on BIPOC student attitudes of library services. 
  • Update Catalog Record Subject Headings to provide more inclusive search terms. 
  • Propose the library become an ALA DEI fellowship and have a diversity fellowship position at Rockhurst University. 

Completed DEI Goals

  • Update Rock Nook (leisure reading area for patrons) with social justice and DEI related materials. 
  • Explore how the library could be involved with RU current DEI Efforts. 
  • Plan special events with student organizations such as BSU and LSU.
  • Highlight diversity in archival collections. 

Collaborations Outcome & Goals

Strengthen collaborative efforts to maximize resources and increase library commitment and accountability to the University:

  • Work with IRB/other research interest groups partnering to help faculty understand trends - consuming research, creating research, and publishing research. - Complete???
  • Establish faculty talks in the library. 
  • Consider Lyrisis for digitization. 
  • Publish data analytics via email or teams to discuss ways to improve these services for our patrons. 
  • Promote the library’s data driven decision making activities through social media that focuses on findings and plans to improve from those findings. 
  • Collaborate with Admissions to develop international student support services.

  • Explore opportunities to support student organizations. 

  • Provide library events to support a variety of needs: 

    • Offer de-stressing events throughout the year. 

    • Offer finals late-night events to support students. 

    • Coordinate faculty lecture series. 

    • Offer an event to celebrate faculty tenure and promotion.


Completed Collaboration Goals

  • Begin planning student advisory board committee including a charge & meetings. 
  • Partner with Learning Center on shared services and service hours in the library. 
  • Partner with E-Learning to find ways to support online distance students.
  • Work with deans and faculty on consulting on program development and realistic program needs and resource allocation for long term support. 
  • Collaborate with Admissions to be sure tour groups are getting updated and accurate information about the library.
  • Partner with College of Arts and Letters on book club events. 
  • Collaborate with Sedgwick on event using our porches. 
  • Work with marketing to make video of the library. 
  • Develop and modify relationships with E-Learning and faculty to learn more about the Keypath tool and its relation to online learning. 
  • Promote liaison librarian model to faculty and campus administration. 
  • Collaborate with Advancement and Community Outreach Services to develop a grant-funded consumer health information program. 
  • Collaborate with Athletics to determine what library services would support student athletes. 
  • Join Amigos for professional development and discounts.
  • Collaborate to have EdD symposium and Research Day annual events occur in the library. 
  • Continue Halloween Party event. 

Best Practices Outcome & Goals

Improve library best practices to provide optimal services supporting Rockhurst's commitment to excellence (Magis):

  • Find top professional development services for libraries. 
  • Create an archives policy & procedures for paging materials. 
  • Conduct user experience testing on Locate and new EDS to see how patrons are using the product to improve user experience. 
  • Create testimonials of faculty and students to promote stories of library impact. 

Completed Best Practice Goals

  • Create uniform training materials for circulation & reference for the new ILS.
  • Create an ideal/aspirational budget to grow, based on AJCU & CUPA peers. 
  • Create a staff development plan including professional development & visits to other libraries for ideas on quality improvement. 
  • Purchase, populate and use an Electronic Resource Management System (ERMS) to optimally track license agreements, contracts, permissions, and other data related to electronic resources. 
  • Review library shared documents (J Drive). 
  • Learn and develop understanding of workflow with the new ILS in the following areas: 
    • Ordering Materials
    • Activating Materials in EDS
    • Circulation
    • Metadata
    • Analytics
    • Automation of Patron Records

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 Rockhurst University Library · 1100 Rockhurst Road · Kansas City, MO 64110 · 816-501-4142