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Research Methods Books

Qualitative Research in Business

Offers an analysis and "how to" guide regarding qualitative research methods that provides practical and effective advice for those seeking knowledge regarding the application of these tools. Opening discussions compare formal/scientific/quantitative methods of investigation with qualitative alternatives. A range of qualitative methods are discussed in an easy-to-understand manner that will be invaluable for those who wish to use these tools as part of their decision-making processes.

Better Living through Economics

Better Living Through Economics consists of twelve case studies that demonstrate how economic research has improved economic and social conditions over the past half century by influencing public policy decisions. Economists were obviously instrumental in revising the consumer price index and in devising auctions for allocating spectrum rights to cell phone providers in the 1990s. But perhaps more surprisingly, economists built the foundation for eliminating the military draft in favor of an all-volunteer army in 1973, for passing the Earned Income Tax Credit in 1975, for deregulating airlines in 1978, for adopting the welfare-to-work reforms during the Clinton administration, and for implementing the Pension Reform Act of 2006 that allowed employers to automatically enroll employees in a 401(k).

Behavioral Economics

A new perspective has emerged that describes interests regarding the very fundamentals of behavioral economics. As the world moves further into a more globalized and digital age, generating vast content of different types of subject matter, there will be a greater need to access the respective aspects encompassing behavioral economics

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